What Total Drama character are you most like?

Do you like Total Drama? If so, you'll like this quiz! You will find your inner Total Drama character. You might find your bad personality or your good personality

Who do you want to be? You will find out. Will you be an awesome character, an evil character or someone you never heard of? Take this test to find your Total Drama

Created by: TiMnRa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a crush?
  2. Who is your least fav?
  3. Are you evil?
  4. Books or Movies?
  5. Are you dumb?
  6. Do you like Total Drama
  7. What season do you like best?
  8. Are you crazy
  9. Is Chefs food looking delicious?
  10. Do you like Chris?

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Quiz topic: What Total Drama character am I most like?