Which Tinkerbell fairy are you?

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This quiz will tell you which Disney Tinkerbell character your most like. Just answer these simple questions and you'll have your results. I hope you have fun on the quiz and I hope you like your results too!

Some of the 12 questions will not affect your results but others will. For most of the questions they will match some of the fairies personalities and some are just random questions too. Have fun!

Created by: Httyd-Fan
  1. First of all, who is your favorite character?
  2. What is your favorite talent of these?
  3. How do you wear your hair most often?
  4. What is you favorite animal out of these?
  5. Who's outfit do you like best out of the fairies?
  6. Which of these best describes you?
  7. I would describe my best friend as....
  8. Which of these matters most in life?
  9. Which one of the Tinkerbell movies is you favorite?
  10. Which color is the best out of these?
  11. Are you most active during the day or night?
  12. Last question, who is your least favorite character?

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Quiz topic: Which Tinkerbell fairy am I?

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