What type of big cat are you?

What big cat are you like? Are you like the worlds biggest cat, the Siberian Tiger? Or are you a strong lion? Let's see what cat is inside of YOU!!!! Take this to find out.

Wonder what big cat you are? Answer 12 simple questions to find out. You will most likely get accurate results. I hope you are satistfied with this. Happy Quizzing!

Created by: Emily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friends want to go bowling with you. You tell them.....
  2. When you come home from school/work, the first thing you do is....
  3. When you are mad you....
  4. You just got a present you have wanted for years! How do you thank your friend?
  5. You log into your favorite game online. When you get on, all the coins/points you earned are gone! You...
  6. You just drew a picture you were proud of. Your friend doesn't like it. You.....
  7. You are getting a pet. You choose a.....
  8. You are having a party.Your desseret is......
  9. You are on a website. It asks for personal information. You...
  10. Fianal Question. Do you like cheese?

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Quiz topic: What type of big cat am I?