Which tadc main character are you?

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Hello, welcome back to the amazing digital circus! I'm Quizuser, back with more tadc quizzes! I'm sorry i didn't do yesterdays, I was just a little busy. But, here's a tadc quiz to make up for it! Probably not accurate.

Also, I'm back at school now, Boo! I don't wanna be at school! We had to learn MATH TODAY! NO! NO MENTAL (M) ABUSE (A) TO (T) HUMANS (H)! DAT MAKE ME ANGY!!

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Who do you want to get?
  2. Do you like Caines so called 'adventures'?
  3. Do you ship Caine X Moon?
  4. Caine X Bubble?
  5. Do you have autism?
  6. Do you hate something of yourself?
  7. Do has extensensial crisis?
  8. Would you try to kill Pomni?
  9. Do you like Gummigoo?
  10. Chose a character!

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Quiz topic: Which tadc main character am I?
