Which Swtor class suits you?

This quiz will determine what class in swtor suits you the most. Maybe you are a powerful sith. Or a clever smuggler. Or maybe a wise jedi counselor. Take this quiz to find out.

This quiz is just for fun for star wars fans who like roleplaying. Are you interested in finding out what class suits your personality? then take this quiz!May the force be with you!

Created by: Rasmus
  1. You have travelled to a remote and lonely island. Why?
  2. During your travels, a shady man asks for your services. In return he offers you a great sum of money. You...
  3. Your ship gets destroyed on a planet in the outer rim, what do you do?
  4. What kind of environment do you live in?
  5. Which of these planets would you most like to visit?
  6. During your travels in your ship, you decide to buy a droid to accompany you. What kind do you choose
  7. You decide that you also want to buy a pet to accompany you. What do you buy?
  8. How do you spend your freetime?
  9. You've heard about an attack on your hometown. What do you do?
  10. Pick a hobby.
  11. You have been sent on a mission. What kind of mission would you most like to go on?
  12. Which prequel character are you most like?
  13. Which character from the original trilogy are you most like?
  14. Which sequel character are you most like?
  15. Which character from the clone wars series are you most like?
  16. Which Rebels character are you most like?

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Quiz topic: Which Swtor class suits me?
