Which Sun and moon show character are you?

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This test shows you which character of the sun and moon show and lunar and earth show you are.from British boi'sTo run sized beans or even coffee drinking workaholic's

Lunar the cutest bean ever,solar the coffee drinking workaholic,ruin the perfect British boi,Sun the embodiment of anxiety,moon the smart depressed boi,earth the family therapist,dazzle ghost from July 16,jack child that commits crimes,monty genderfluid gator or Gemini the astral twins that date lunar which one are you?

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  1. Who's your favourite character
  2. Do you like kids
  3. What's your favourite food/drink
  4. Favourite colour
  5. How much do you know about the sun and moon show
  6. Do you like the sun and moon show
  7. Do you like lunar and earth show
  8. Do you have eclipse?
  9. Do you hate nexus?
  10. Do you want ruin to die

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Quiz topic: Which Sun and moon show character am I?

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