Which Strangest Things Character Are You?

If you are a fan of the show Stranger Things, you'll be a fan if this new show, Strangest Things. The story is about a similar case in Columbus, Ohio, in 1988.

You can be Adam, Daniel, Jeffery, James, Ryan, Ethan, and two more characters from this show. This show is not yet released but it will be released soon. Look up Strangest Things and you might find something.

Created by: Taran Wanderer
  1. You hear something. You turn around, and you see a demogorgon! What do you do?
  2. Where would you hide from someone... or something?
  3. What is your fear?
  4. What would your friends describe you as?
  5. Pick a superpower
  6. Let's say you are in a TV Show/Movie. Would you memorize a bunch of lines from the script?
  7. Pick a 80s phrase/word
  8. Pick a TV Show
  9. Pick a 80s movie
  10. Who do you think you would get along with most?

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Quiz topic: Which Strangest Things Character am I?
