Which Story of Mine Would You Be In?

Well bordem has hit me again sooooooo QUIZ TIME!!! Except this time I'm using my stories. If any of them sound interesting to you, e-mail me... possible... But You can find me on Chatango. Have fun!!!!

Haven't you ever wondered if you were obsessed? Or just afriad or... not that much into guys? Have you just met a long lost sibling of yours and you find out they are not what they appear? Or... you just hate romantic relationships? Well heres a way you can find out... in a sence. ^^

Created by: Kassandra Goldstein
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Choose a pair.
  2. What song describes you the most?
  3. Why are you taking this quiz? (will not affect your answer)
  4. Favorite(feline) animal?
  5. Favorite(cainine) animal?
  6. What are you feeling?
  7. Which do you want to get, based on the title?
  8. Which don't you want?
  9. Do you like Inuyasha?
  10. How do you feel about Yu-Gi-Oh GX?
  11. Do you like Yu Yu Hakusho?

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