Which howrse player are you?

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I dont know what to put in here, so i woll tell u a story once there was a person called coco which is ME and I am amazing ahahhaha only joking but actually

I am. this is the story continued. and one day I met a monster who was called garfle and I was like hi there and he was like hi. that is the end of the story.

Created by: Elise Macqueen

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are in the forums, and suddenly someone posts that they have reached a new stage of puberty...:O you....
  2. Why do you play howrse?
  3. There is a fight going on in your forum with on of your regulars and a stranger
  4. Now, the fighting has got worse and its to regulars fighting! What do you do now?
  5. You have been offered the position of a mod. what do you do?
  6. Your posts keep poping up on a players website.you...
  7. Your technical know how is...
  8. How many PMs do you get a day?
  9. How many bans/warnings have you gotten?
  10. ..........

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Quiz topic: Which howrse player am I?