Which Stargate enemy would you defeat?

This is a quiz about well... what evil Stargate group you would destroy (If you could) You can take this quiz if you want to but there are some other reasons why I dare you to participate

Take it if you HATE THE ORI. I for one HATE them! I REALLY HOPE THAT YOU GET THEM!!!!!! Sigh. Anyways, who votes for Shishkabaal? Me, I do! Who even knows what Stargate IS? I DO!!

Created by: AtlantisStargater
  1. If you could have one talent what would it be?
  2. What is your least favorite enemy?
  3. What is your favorite quote?
  4. What is your favorite color
  5. If you had to get married to one of your enemies to save the universe then which would it be?
  6. How much can you trust people?
  7. If you were given the ability to destroy one enemy with the flick of your hand who would it be. There is a con though. All the other enemies will get stronger and take over earth earth
  8. If you woke up in a dark empty room who would you think put you there?
  9. Why are you taking this quiz
  10. Did you like this quiz

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