Which Stardust Crusader are you?

This is just a fun quiz for you to do when you want to know: "Which Jojos Bizarre Adventure" Part 3 "Stardust Crusaders" Character am I? Well, Take this and find out!

We all want to know what JJBA character we are, right? Well, maybe not everyone. But if you are one of the people who does, take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Dynamations
  1. Do you like parties?
  2. What would you sacrifice for the ones you love?
  3. Would you use candles in your home?
  4. Do you love your mother?
  5. Do you like kids/babies?
  6. You see a cute girl/boy walking towards you, what do you do?
  7. How do you feel about your siblings?
  8. What do you value most?
  9. Sono chino sadame!
  10. You are put in a group of people to work with for a week! How do you react?
  11. Someone insulted your friends!
  12. What is your stance on saving lives?
  13. Are you intelligent?
  14. How do you feel about animals?
  15. Do you show affection?

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Quiz topic: Which Stardust Crusader am I?
