Which Star Wars girl would be your perfect girlfriend?

Hello there, I made this quiz. It will let you know which girl from Star Wars between Padme, Leia and Rey should be your girlfriend. (You may not agree with the result).

I also wanted to tell you that english is not my primary language. I am a french Canadian. So, I could have made some mistakes in this quiz. I hope that you will like it!

Created by: Yoyo
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. What quality are you looking for in a girl?
  3. What is her background?
  4. What is your background?
  5. What occupation would you like her to have?
  6. What is your occupation?
  7. What is her weapon of choice?
  8. What is her best skill?
  9. What is your weapon of choice?
  10. What is you best skill?
  11. Would you date a younger or older woman?

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Quiz topic: Which Star Wars girl would be my perfect girlfriend?
