What your job would be in star wars universe

This quiz is to tell you what would your job be if you were in the star wars universe. Would you be an evil sith or a wise politician? And btw my english is not that good so sorry if i had some miss spells.

Hello there. I made this little quiz just for fun that tells you what would your role AKA your job would be if you were in the star wars universe. this is the first quiz that i ever made too so.......

Created by: RandomDude
  1. First question. Which side of the force do you use?
  2. Second question. What is your weapon of choice
  3. Who are your sworn enemy
  4. What do you fight for?
  5. Which of these do you think would you be the best at?
  6. What ship would you use
  7. Roleplay: You see a homeless person begging for a few credits. What do you do?
  8. Another roleplay: You see two pepole fighting. What do you do?
  9. Do you trust easily?
  10. How will you finaly die?
  11. What out of these is your greatest weakness
  12. Finaly. Last question. Choose an era to live in

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Quiz topic: What my job would be in star wars universe
