Which sport should you try?

This quiz will show what kind of sport you should play-if you should play sports at all. If you don't understand any questions, just pick what you think would fit you.

There are 10 questions. Answer them all honestly. Not all questions affect your answer. You must answer all questions. Have fun with this one! You should try the sport that this quiz says you should try.

Created by: Lillian
  1. What do you do when you get home from school? (This is a quiz for kids)
  2. What sport do you play now?
  3. Who is your favorite sports player? (Can be a kid)
  4. What is your fave TV show?
  5. This does have an effect: Are you a kid?
  6. Random question time! What is your favorite snack?
  10. Final question-do you like memes

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Quiz topic: Which sport should I try?
