What Sport Are You Meant For?

Everyone loves sports. There is many different ones to fit your personality. There are some active and some less active. There is always a sport for you.

Have you ever wondered what sport you are best at. Do you really want to go try them all out. Stop here. Take this 2 minute personality quiz to find out the best sport for you.

Created by: Hannah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you fast
  2. How much time are you willing to give up a week?
  3. Where is most of your strength?
  4. Can you hold a smile even when you aren't happy?
  5. Are you afraid of heights?
  6. Do you like being on a team?
  7. Are you flexible?
  8. What sport do you want?
  9. Are you athletic?
  10. What will you get?

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Quiz topic: What Sport am I Meant For?