Which Splatoon character are you!

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HELLO. Have you ever wondered what Splatoon character would you be? Well you came to the right quiz! Go through 10 question s to revel who you would you be! πŸ‘

But don't be upset if you get a person like captain Cuddle fish. The rarest results are: mystery, just yourself, and Agent 8. Have fun and enjoy it all!

Created by: LUNA DG IF
  1. What is your dream hair style?
  2. What is your favorite color? πŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸŒ¬πŸ‡
  3. Role play! You are surrounded by baddies (minions) and Sheldon gives you a charger. You....
  4. Role play continues on! You want to buy from Crusty Sean but you have no ticket but you see Pearl drop one. You....
  5. RING! It's time for class but you forgot to study for you Social Studies test! You....
  6. Last role play! You get a 35% on your S.S (Social Studies) test! But then your mom ask what grade you got! You....
  7. Ok, if you could pick any Splatoon weapon what would it be? BTW three more
  8. You got this! What is your favorite kind of salmon? (not to eat, in the game)
  9. What is your opinion for Octo expansion dlc?
  10. Last one! How would you respond: "my little sister acts better than you"

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Quiz topic: Which Splatoon character am I!
