Which Sonic the Hedgehog character are you?

To celebrate the 2022 sonic the hedgehog 2 movie. I created a survey about only 3 sonic characters you can get and they are my most favorite ones of all time. Are you sonic, scratch or Bunnie?

Which one of the 3 sonic characters are you? Take this survey and see what you got as your biggest result and have fun being in video games and stuff…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Pick a Mario character.
  4. Are you scared and sad?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. Pick a SML character.
  7. Pick a car brand.
  8. What animal are you?
  9. Pick a pocoyo character.
  10. Are you skinny and tall?

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Quiz topic: Which Sonic the Hedgehog character am I?
