Which Sonic Character Are You

Personality. Doctor Eggman is a short-tempered, loud, pompous Overlander whose goal is to take over the world and create his own nation, Eggmanland, ruled by the Eggman Empire.Personality. Doctor Eggman is a short-tempered, loud, pompous Overlander whose goal is to take over the world and create his own nation, Eggmanland, ruled by the Eggman Empir and he is good but also bad

The "end poem" is a text-based dialogue that appears when the player uses the exityepyepyepyepyepyepyepThe "end poem" is a text-based dialogue that appears when the player uses the exit portal. It is followed by the Minecraft credits.

Created by: ben of What Sonic character are you
(your link here more info)
  1. What do you think your personality is?
  2. If you had to choose one of these snacks which one would it be?
  3. Choose a super power
  4. choose an animal out of these
  5. Pick An item of clothing
  6. What is your favorite color out of these?
  7. What is your favorite thing to do
  8. Are you....
  9. What do you wanna drive?
  10. Who Do you want to be

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Quiz topic: Which Sonic Character am I
