Which Shark Are You

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Hello! Welcome to my quiz! I hope you enjoy it! Shark Tank is a show where billionaires invest in small companies. It is one of my favorite shows ever!

Hopefully you will enjoy this quiz and get what you want. My favorite shark is Robert Herjavec. And Lori Greiner. Hopefully you’ll get your favorite shark! Good Luck!!!

Created by: Kate
  1. Do you watch Shark Tank?
  2. Who is your favorite shark?
  3. How do people describe you?
  4. What business sounds the best:
  5. Which is your favorite:
  6. Someone comes to you asking for money for a company that is loosing money:
  7. Which evaluation do you think sounds the most crazy
  8. Which is your favorite established company?
  9. What is your hair color?
  10. Ok, ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Shark am I
