Which season are you?

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In this short quiz you can find out which season you resemble. I must note all of the questions and answers are totally made up by myself and have no actual meaning.

However. if you're looking for something fun to do I would recommend having a go as personally I think its quite fun - I might be slightly biased though as I did make it...

Created by: Lils
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Do you prefet hot or cold drinks?
  3. Is it soccer or football?? ⚽⚽⚽
  4. If you could turn into an animal for 24h what would it be?
  5. How many times have you ever dropped your phone on your face? Ouch.
  6. If you could only keep one of these famous movie franchises, which would you save?
  7. When listening to music, what do you focus on the most?
  8. If you could have an unlimited collection of something it would be...
  9. Do you prefer to...
  10. Finally, are you perfect just as you are?

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Quiz topic: Which season am I?
