Absolutely ridiculous random nonsense

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Created by: Trent
  1. The missile knows where it is at all times because it ______.
  2. What is the cells in our body responsible for everything we think, feel, or act?
  3. Artifact A, B, C, and D are required for...
  4. In meteorology, what does SRH stand for?
  5. Why is de_dust and de_dust2 so well renowned in the Counter Strike community?
  6. What year did the Great War start?
  7. How long can a human being go without sleep before experiencing temporary and sometimes permanent psychological abnormalities/trauma?
  8. During what year did the Last Autumn occur?
  9. Fictional (stealth) homemade air rifle used in the wastelands of Moscow, Russia
  10. How many estimated species exist on Earth (regardless of complexity or intelligence)?

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