Which Sarah J Maas Character Is Your Soulmate?

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If you are a Sarah J Maas fan like myself, I think you could enjoy this very much. I have wondered which one of them would be my match. Here is your chance to find out.

I think that all of us would have a problem choosing so I made this quiz to make the decision easier. Don't worry there are only good results. :) Have fun!

Created by: Tenaya
  1. If you could be anything would you want to be ...
  2. If you could have any special trait it would be...
  3. If you had the choice you wanted to life in...
  4. Your World is about to be destroyed, would you...
  5. A person you dislike very much is about to die, would you...
  6. If you could have any pet it would be...
  7. In your group of friends you are...
  8. What do you look for in a guy?
  9. If your dream guy had a scar, you...
  10. The perfect relationship needs...
  11. Your dream guy is a...
  12. You want to end up with...

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Quiz topic: Which Sarah J Maas Character Is my Soulmate?
