Which Sanders Sides ship are You?

This is my second quiz! I’m really enjoying making these too. The ships in this quiz include- Prinxiety, Demus, Moxiety, Logically, Remile and Logince!

Prinxiety- Roman x VirgilLogically- Logan x PattonDemus- Remus x JanusLogince- Logan x RomanRemile- Remy x EmilieMoxiety- Virgil x PattonAlso please try not to take any offence to the results you get if it’s not who you ship. Thanks and enjoy!

Created by: Leilani Warren
  1. Some....
  2. Cats or dogs?
  3. You’re sad, what do you do?
  4. Dad joke alert! What’s your reaction?
  5. You break your friends vase; their reaction-“no effing way dude, who broke this vase? who broke this vase? seriously guys, everyone who is here at my awesome party, this huge crowd of people (that’s definitely here right now) somebody broke my grandma’s vase and that was the last thing she gave to me before she died.” What do you do?
  6. Favourite colour from the choices?
  7. How would you kill someone? 😏
  8. Would you lie to your best friend?
  9. Okay, I want a question-Coffee
  10. My turrrn! Never have I ever lied?
  11. Well it’s the end of the quiz now, next time please don’t hyjack the questions?

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Quiz topic: Which Sanders Sides ship am I?
