Which Sanders Side are You?

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Hi guys! This is my second quiz, soo yeah bear with me but here it is! Are you Logan, Roman, Patton, Virgil, Deceit, or Remus? A lot of these questions and answers are recycled from the Sanders Sides Q and A vid soo, yeah and if you haven't I would totally recommend going and watching it!!

So this should be pretty straightforward, just answer what feels right or what you think applies to you the most out of the options. It's multiple choice. No biggie.

Created by: Em C.
  1. How do you feel about word association games?
  2. I'm wondering if you like Dad Jokes
  3. Answer with only a song title about how you feel.
  4. Which Pokemon would you be?
  5. If you had your own YouTube channel, what would it be?
  6. Fire, air, water, earth, GO!
  7. Favorite social media?
  8. Name the process of becoming an adult.
  9. What do you do after a long day to relax?
  10. What was Thomas's most embarrassing moment?
  11. Favorite bands!
  12. Which Emoji describes you best?
  13. What's your favorite Disney movie?
  14. Some-
  15. What do you want most?
  16. What's your Harry Potter house?
  17. Aaaannd finally, who's your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which Sanders Side am I?

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