Which Sanders Sides Are You? [Light Sides]

As a big Sanders Sides fan I made this quiz. I don't remember much so please don't come at me for doing something wrong. Please comment who you got. I would love to know.

Choose your answers truthfully. There is only 10 questions so it isn't too long. I hope you enjoy. Hopefully you like your results. If you like you can comment who you got.

Created by: Midnightshadow
  1. Which of the following are you?
  2. What do you like to do in your free time?
  3. What do you listen to?
  4. Choose a Disney movie.
  5. Adultery or Adulthood?
  6. You are...
  7. In a argument you...
  8. In a fight you...
  9. Who do you think you'll get? [Does not affect result]
  10. Did you like the quiz? [Also doesn't affect the results]

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Quiz topic: Which Sanders Sides am I? [Light Sides]
