Which Sam and max Character do you kin

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Welcome to this quiz! I couldn't add everyone but I tried adding most :/ sorry if you don't get someone you like! This quiz has mainly the in game characters and uh lorne

Anyways, you are welcome to retake it and share with your friends :) hehehe if you know me then you are really pog ;) Enjoy the quiz loveliessssssssss

Created by: Triangle
  1. What color pattern do you prefer?
  2. How are you with relationships?
  4. Poetry?
  5. How do you describe your infodumping?
  6. What type of name did you put in Kahoot?
  7. A Child
  8. click first answer you see
  9. Love language?
  11. Darkness
  12. Music preference?
  13. One a scale of one to ten: Would you scam someone

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Quiz topic: Which Sam and max Character do I kin
