Which Raya And The Last Dragon Person Are You?

Ok, since I am a lazy person, look up Raya and the Last Dragon if you don't know it. Or click off this thing. If you do, then this is about which character you are.

This will only include Raya's main squad, even Namaari, but I forgot to add the baby, Noi. Sorry Noi lovers. Also no Tuk Tuk cuz he's a pet. Ok now take the quiz.

Created by: lazee dood
  1. If you had to garner information from an enemy, how would you do it?
  2. If your family got turned to stone what would you do?
  3. Who's side would you be on if you were in the movie?
  4. Which character do you hate the most?
  5. Which character do you like the most?
  6. Do you ship Raya x Namaari?
  7. Would you forgive Namaari if you were Raya?
  8. Would you ever be friends with Raya if you were Namaari?
  9. Do you like the movie?
  10. bye lol no uppercase

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Quiz topic: Which Raya And The Last Dragon Person am I?
