Which "Rancid" Character are You?

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Welcome to the rancid world of Rancid. Where we delve into the sick minds of villains... but are they really so sick? You may have more in common with them than you think!

There are some nutty characters in the Rancid universe, from the doctor himself, that crazy Gimp Harris and even the quiet tailor, Freakshow. Go on, you may be surprised who you are most like!

Created by: Osakanater
  1. What's your ideal look?
  2. Of course we have to ask, favorite color?
  3. Mmmm... foooood...
  4. Tell me, what kind of clothes do you like?
  5. What's your favorite aminal?
  6. Awwww yiss, you got a date... whatcha gon do?
  7. What's your ideal line of work?
  8. What high school clique fits you best?
  9. Geek time! What's your fave comic franchise?
  10. TURN DOWN FO' WHUT? What kind of music do you love to jam to?
  11. Let's end on a movie... what kinda flick you wanna see?

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Quiz topic: Which "Rancid" Character am I?