Which Psychopath Are You?

This quiz will be a bout serial killers and psychopaths from movies. Enjoy as the quiz will ask you a few uncomfortable questions but you should still answer them.

So yeah you should answer the question as truthfully as possible or you will never find out your deepest seriel killer and or psychopath. Okay now enjoy the quiz.

Created by: JeffMan
  1. Where would you rather kill someone?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would manipulative are you?
  3. Pick a movie
  4. How would you rather kill?
  5. How emotional are you?
  6. How fast are you?
  7. Pick your birth month
  8. Pick your birth DAY
  9. where do you hide the body?
  10. Bye.

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Quiz topic: Which Psychopath am I?

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