Answer A Few Questions and we'll recommend you a movie!

Ever tried to pick out a film to watch but got stuck? If you answered yes, well then this quiz is for you! Just answer a few questions and we'll find a perfect film that you will be sure to enjoy!

I created this quiz as a fun way for anyone to find a good movie to watch based on your unique personality! If you enjoyed, share it with your friends and I will continue to make them!

Created by: Pamela Sparks
  1. How would you spend your ideal Friday night?
  2. If you were sad how would your best friend cheer you up?
  3. What pet would you have if you could choose?
  4. If you could have a superpower what would it be?
  5. If I had the house to myself I would...
  6. Your school is hosting a end of year party in the gymnasium. You are hanging out with...
  7. If you had kids, and it was summer vacay, you would sign them up for...
  8. What if your favorite subject at school?
  9. If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life who would it be?
  10. And lastly, what is your go to water.

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