Which protagonist from The Gray Garden are you?

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The Gray Garden is a horror RPG made by Mogeko about a world where angels and demons live in harmony. It's a bit less dull than I make it sound here...

The four main protagonists of this game are Yosafire, Froze, Rawberry and Macarona. Which one are you? Which one are you? Ha. You can't answer cuz you haven't taken the quiz yet.

Created by: atlasmoth

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favourite colours from these options?
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  3. Pick something you like:
  4. Pick something you dislike:
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  6. Would you rather be...
  7. How do you feel about flying?
  8. How do you feel about eating?
  9. Are you very religious?
  10. You are best known for...

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Quiz topic: Which protagonist from The Gray Garden am I?