Which Princess Are You?!

You will pick your answers and based on your answers there will be a princess that you have the same personality as! Yeah. That's basically all that is.

If you don't like your quiz results, you can always redo them!! And some questions are stupid but I couldn't think of anything else but they DO matter!!

Created by: Delilah
  1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
  2. Do you like wild animals?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. If electronics got banned, what would you do instead?
  5. Do you have siblings?
  6. What's your favorite animal?
  7. Favorite Month? THIS DOES MATTER! Be honest.
  8. If you were stuck in an elevator, which person in your family would you choose?
  9. Favorite Holiday?
  10. Which thing could you not survive without?

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Quiz topic: Which Princess am I?!
