Which Disney princess do you look like most?

Did anyone ever say "Wow. You look a lot like Princess Jasmine!" Or "You look a lot like Belle." Well, heres your chance to find out what princess you look like.

There are 12 questions in this quiz. Please answer honestly and accuratley if you want good and accurate answers. And thank you for selecting this quiz.

Created by: lala4567
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What shade is your skin?
  2. Describe the shape of your lips.
  3. What is your eye shape?
  4. What is your hair like?
  5. What is your background?
  6. What is your eyebrow shape like?
  7. What is your body shape?
  8. What is your eye colour?
  9. What is your face shape?
  10. Please rate and comment!

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Quiz topic: Which Disney princess do I look like most? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Princesses Quiz category.