Disney Princess Quizzes
Do you have a favorite Disney princess? The princesses are a popular element of the Disney universe, beginning way back with Walt himself helping to design the appearance and personalities of Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora. These original princesses follow more closely to the damsel in distress trope. Later additions to the Disney roster would be more adventurous and self-reliant, such as Merida, Tiana and Moana.
This page features our top Disney princess quizzes. Try a few to see which princess you are most similar to. Don't forget to share a quiz or two with your friends!
Our Disney Princesses Quizzes
- Which Disney princess are you?[by: Selica Hunter, rated: 4.39rated: 4.39/5, published: Jan 1, 2021]
Are you wondering what Disney princess best matches you? If so, hurry up and take this short quiz to find out! (I couldn't add ALL the princesses because of…
- Which of These Eight Disney Princesses Are You?[by: Mina, rated: 4.35rated: 4.35/5, published: Dec 2, 2010]
Have you ever wondered which princess you'd be? Maybe you had a favorite princess as child? This quiz will tell you based on twelve questions "which Disney…
- Disney Princesses: Which One Are You?[by: Raven Queen, rated: 4.23rated: 4.23/5, published: Feb 1, 2020]
Have you ever wondered which Disney princess you look like, or which one matches your personality? This wonderful quiz will reveal which princess you are…
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: Sauron, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Mar 30, 2020]
Which Disney Princess are you? You’ll have a few different results, this quiz will have older princesses. I’m planning on making another quiz soon that will…
- Which Disney princess are you?[by: SmartyPants7997, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Nov 7, 2012]
Being a princess is about more than beauty and getting the prince. Each princess has special traits such as bravery, strength, kindness, determination, etc.
- Who is your Disney princess look-alike?[by: Slytherin Heir, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Jan 18, 2024]
Have you ever wondered which beautiful Disney princess do you look like (Me neither)? But you can find out on this accurate quiz! It is based on both looks…
- Which disney princess are you based on your personality?[by: Kawaii67, rated: 4.14rated: 4.14/5, published: Jan 23, 2018]
This quiz will associate you with a Disney princess based on your personality traits. Take the quiz and your inner Disney princess will be revealed...
- What Disney Princess are you from the Princess Franchise?[by: Abby, rated: 4.09rated: 4.09/5, published: Mar 5, 2020]
Ever Wonder what Disney Princess you are? Well take this quiz to find out! This is my first quiz so we will see how good it is. :) I do like to make them and…
- What Disney princess are you?[by: Isabelle Reis, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Apr 15, 2017]
Ten different princess results, each with a picture and thorough description. Ariel, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Belle, Moana, and more.
- What Disney Princess are you?[by: Smileyneon, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Aug 8, 2012]
Take my new quiz to find out what kind of Disney Princess you are most like:) Please Don't forget to rate and comment on this quiz. Thank you very much:)
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: Tara, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Oct 28, 2007]
Once upon a time, before Toy Story and Cars were the classic Disney animations featuring some enduring leading ladies with differing values and morals for…
- What Disney Girl do you most look like?[by: ForeverADisneyKid, rated: 3.65rated: 3.65/5, published: Oct 24, 2014]
Starting from Snow White in 1937, Disney princesses have each been presented with their own kind of inner and outer beauty. Each one of you probably has a…
- Which Disney Princess Are You?[by: Crystal, rated: 3.59rated: 3.59/5, published: Nov 2, 2008]
There are many princess but which princess best describes you and which match your normal problems and personality. Every wonder which princess is more like…
- Which Disney Princess Are You?[by: Girls Like You, rated: 3.56rated: 3.56/5, published: Jan 10, 2014]
Have you ever wanted to know what Disney Princess you are most like? Well your in luck! Now you can answer a few simple questions and get the results you've…
- Which Disney Princess Are You?[by: Leah, rated: 3.56rated: 3.56/5, published: Jun 16, 2007]
First, came Snow White. Then, Cinderella. After Cindy, was Sleeping Beauty. After she woke up, Ariel swam around the sea. Then it was Belle. After the beast…
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: harryswife, rated: 3.52rated: 3.52/5, published: Mar 29, 2016]
As little kids we all run around in pretty dresses and pretend to be a princess. We all know what princesses I'm talking about. Were you Belle or Cinderella?…
- Am I Snow White or Belle?[by: Charlie and Holly, rated: 4.6rated: 4.6/5, published: Dec 30, 2018]
Do you think of yourself as more of a Snow White, or a Belle? Discover which one you are more like.
- Which newer Disney princess are you?[by: Robert1695, rated: 4.56rated: 4.56/5, published: Nov 13, 2015]
Over the years, disney has created many, many princesses. Lately however, these princesses have become more headstrong, and stick up for themselves. These are…
- Which Disney Princess are you? Part Two[by: Sauron, rated: 4.53rated: 4.53/5, published: Apr 24, 2020]
Hey welcome back dudes! This is part two of the "Which Disney Princess are you?" quiz. This quiz will have the newer princesses! Part one has the older Disney…
- Which Disney Princess Are You? [6 Picture Results][by: Mattie G., rated: 4.47rated: 4.47/5, published: May 25, 2018]
Learn which princess you are most like. Results include some classics and more modern princesses!
- Which Disney Couple Are You Meant To Be?[by: cakes, rated: 4.46rated: 4.46/5, published: Aug 6, 2023]
Have you ever wondered which Disney couple you and your soulmate were meant to be? I know! Just answer a couple of questions and you'll find out! There are…
- Disney Princess Quizzle[by: Steph, rated: 4.41rated: 4.41/5, published: Oct 24, 2010]
There are many princess quizzes out there, but most are disappointingly superficial. What does the princess actually stand for, anyway? Do we want to be like…
- Which Disney Princess do you look like?[by: A.A.K, rated: 4.07rated: 4.07/5, published: Dec 13, 2021]
which Disney Princess do you look like? Well... I tired my best please let me know if it was accurate! It worked for me...Remember, that every single princess…
- Disney Princesses - Who Are You?[by: Emmy, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Nov 16, 2014]
There are so many quizzes out there, like which Disney princess are you, but I could never find certain princesses in the line up, so I was like hey I'll make…
- Which Disney Princess Are You?[by: Jillian, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Jan 28, 2015]
Now, wouldn't you absolutely LOVE to be a Disney princess?! Because I would. Disney princesses aren't just pretty and have an easy life, they have…
- What Disney Princess do you Look Like?[by: Anniesuperfan, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Dec 18, 2017]
Don't you just love how beautiful the Disney princesses are? Their breathtaking appearance makes you wonder if you could be like them. With this quiz you can…
- Which Original Disney Princess Am I?[by: Madi, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Jan 19, 2017]
Which Original Disney Princess are you? Are you Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Meg, Mulan, Pocahontas, Snow White, or Tiana? Take this quiz and…
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: isabellereis, rated: 3.84rated: 3.84/5, published: Jul 16, 2016]
The quiz everyone wants to take! We all love Disney and its characters, and we would love to know which one we are most alike when it comes to personality!
- What Disney princess are you? (with pictures!)[by: Lilia, rated: 3.72rated: 3.72/5, published: Jun 27, 2018]
Picture results for ten different princesses. Which one do you resemble the most?
- Which disney princess are you?[by: kiryncrazy, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Oct 11, 2014]
Everyone had that inner princess inside of them, so check out which one you are. Are you kind, or are you headstrong, smart or pretty. Find out which princess…
- Which Disney Princess Movie Are You?[by: Lyla, rated: 3.48rated: 3.48/5, published: Oct 10, 2014]
Everyone has a fave Disney movie, but how do you know which one is really you?
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: The Geek, rated: 3.47rated: 3.47/5, published: Jul 30, 2013]
Many people have watched and admired Disney films, particularly the ones where Princesses have a main role and impact. For decades, Disney has inspired many…
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: Crissy, rated: 3.45rated: 3.45/5, published: Oct 29, 2007]
Have you ever dreamt of living in a castle, meeting your prince charming, or banishing that evil stepmother? Well then oh boy do we have a quiz for you. Find…
- Which Disney princess or heroine are you?[by: Mairi, rated: 3.44rated: 3.44/5, published: Nov 3, 2007]
Do you remember watching these movies when you were little? Or do you still watch them? Find out which Disney heroine you are most like, this is a quiz aimed…
- Which New Disney Princess Are You?[by: Queen Elsa, rated: 3.37rated: 3.37/5, published: Mar 1, 2014]
I, like many, grew up on Disney movies. I loved all the Disney Princesses, with Ariel as a personal favorite. However, new princesses have come out since I…
- Which Disney Princess Are You?[by: DuneTrekker, rated: 3.33rated: 3.33/5, published: Jun 21, 2012]
Have you ever wondered which Princess's slippers your feet would fit in? Finally, here's a quiz that will test you in personality and NOT appearance!…
- How much of a Disney princess are you?[by: Adelina, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: Feb 21, 2023]
Welcome friends! This is just a fun little quiz to see how Disney-princess-y your life is. So don't sue me if you don't get the result you want! :) :)
- Which Disney princess are you the most like?[by: Louise, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Dec 9, 2017]
Take this quiz to figure out what Disney princess you are! You could be like any Disney princess, whether you live far from where they live or not. Take this…
- What Disney Heroine are you?[by: Raspy, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Jun 14, 2010]
Disney heroines have existed forever. They are either princesses or paupers that become princesses. They find princes and live happily ever after.
- Which Disney Princess are you?[by: Megan, rated: 3.13rated: 3.13/5, published: Jul 10, 2007]
Everyone knows the Disney princesses... Aurora from Sleeping Beauty; Ariel from The Little Mermaid; Cinderella from Cinderella; Snow White from Snow White;…
- Which Princess Are You?[by: Empress Frosta, rated: 3.12rated: 3.12/5, published: May 29, 2007]
Which princess are you? Believe it or not, there are many types of princesses out there - not all of them Disney-fied. Princessing can be hard work - or…
- What Princess Are You?[by: Ariel, rated: 3.11rated: 3.11/5, published: Oct 13, 2007]
~~~~~What princess are you? Are you Ariel, Jasmine, Odette, Aurora, Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, or are you the fairy Tinkerbelle? Take this quiz to find…
- What Disney Princess Are You?[by: Jackie, rated: 3.08rated: 3.08/5, published: Jul 14, 2006]
Have you ever had those lunch room/ cafeteria discussions or fights with your brother and sister about what Disney princess you are? Well, this quiz will…
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