Which Premier League Team Should You Support (2020-2021)

Hey People! Those of you who haven't got a Premier League team, for now, try this quiz! Edition for 2020-2021, you can try it out and see if it can help you with your football (soccer) days in the near future!

This quiz contains material for the season 2020-2021, with the expected standings during the course of the long coronavirus (COVID-19). It includes the expected promotions (Leeds, West Brom) and relegations (Bournemouth, Aston Villa and Norwich). Try!

Created by: I am hidden
  1. Which City Are You?
  2. Which Place In The Table Would You Want Your Team To Be?
  3. What Background Do You Want Your Team To Have?
  4. How Much Would You Pay For Your Team Monthly?
  5. Do You Have A British Airways Membership Pass?
  6. Do You Like Engagements And Fanzones?
  7. What Average Rating In FIFA Would You Like Your Team To Have?
  8. What Stadium Would You Want To Have For Your Team?
  9. Which Colour Are You?
  10. What Budget Do You Have?

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Quiz topic: Which Premier League Team should I Support (2020-2021) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Soccer Quiz category.
