Which powerful wolf are you?

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Have you ever wanted to be an all powerful wolf but you don't know which one? Well you've come to the right place. Here, this quiz will generate which all powerful wolf you are!

Either your the god wolf, the ultima wolf, or the alpha wolf n matter what you get, these questions are very easy to answer and you still get power! enjoy the quiz!

Created by: DemiDragon987
  1. Hi! Thank you for doing this quiz, are you ready to start?
  2. Do you like power?
  3. What's your favorite color in the rainbow?
  4. What's your ideal vacation?
  5. Do you howl at the moon or owl normally
  6. What's your eye color?
  7. Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles or Fish?
  8. Do you like nature?
  9. Which wolf would you rather be?
  10. An finally, how was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which powerful wolf am I?
