Which position should you take in kpop group ?

Do you ever think of you be one of the member in kpop group? It is every fans dream to performing on the stage with people cheering their name. What do you want to be in your group, the leader,the vocalist, the maknae or other else

You can be any position in the group according to your talent. If you are independent and can lead the group, you can be a leader and if you are have great vocal skill, rapping skill or dancing skill, you can be main vocalist, main rapper and main dancer. And what if you have a pretty or handsome face? You can be the visual and if you are the youngest you can br the cutest maknae

Created by: Nur Dania Ardini
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do on your free time ?
  2. What is your favourite color out of these?
  3. What is your favourite K-Drama out of these?
  4. What is your favourite male group? Sorry if your favourite group not here!
  5. What is your favourite female group?
  6. What do you want to be if you not an idol?
  7. Which company would you join?
  8. Pick a word that describe you the most
  9. Who is the best leader among these?
  10. Who is your favourite maknae among these?

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Quiz topic: Which position should I take in kpop group ?