Which pokemon are you?

Have you ever wondered which pokemon you are? Well, let's find out. #theymakingmeaddmorecharactersinsertsobemojihereUhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah...........

Who do you want to get? Are you ready? Are you? Ok. You can scroll to the quiz now. They're just making me add more characters. Idk whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Created by: Vic
  1. Which place would you rather be?
  2. Which book genre seems more interesting to you?
  3. Favorite weather?
  4. Are you usually right?
  5. Do you like being appreciated?
  6. Are you shy?
  7. Favorite food? Out of these anyway.
  8. Favorite pokemon type out of these? (I know it's a generic question)
  9. Are you smart?
  10. Are you sick of the quiz yet?
  11. Pick a song.
  12. Choose a scene.
  13. Bye! Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which pokemon am I?
