Which Plastic (Mean Girls) are you?

Hey, you! Have you ever wondered, if I could be part of the Plastics (not including Cady), who would I be? Well, I've made the quiz just for you! Hope you like it!

For those of you asking if this is based off the musical or the movie, it's both. Well, they're kinda the same thing, so it's probably both. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Created by: idk260
  1. Choose a group of colors below:
  2. If you were bullied/picked on, what would you do?
  3. Someone wants to join your friend group. What do you say to them?
  4. Someone comes up to you for fashion advice. What would you say?
  5. Pick a hobby below:
  6. What are you called in your friend group?
  7. Choose a group of traits that best describe you (be honest!):
  8. Are you liking this quiz so far? (I'm basing this on what each Plastic would say)
  9. Who would you rather have as a friend?
  10. Last question! What song title appeals to you the most? (If you're a fan of the musical, you can also pick what song relates to you the most)

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Quiz topic: Which Plastic (Mean Girls) am I?
