Which Planet Are You?

This quiz is completely made for fun, and any incorrect facts are my responsibility only. Please do not get made at gotoquiz, it is not their fault. Thank you.

Anyways, this quiz is also, just for fun. Even if the personality doesn't fit, just take it again! It's for enjoyment only. Remember that, please! And enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Hollysong
  1. Are you the youngest?
  2. Would your friends describe you as a chatterbox?
  3. Does being in -200 degrees bother you, or 800 degrees( both Fahrenheit)?
  4. How patient are you?
  5. Do you do ballet?
  6. How trusting are you?
  7. How energetic are you?
  8. How fair are you?
  9. Do you love creative things?
  10. Do you like joking around?
  11. Last question: What gender are you?

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Quiz topic: Which Planet am I?

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