Which Plane Engine Is Best Suited For You?

Yes, thank you for choosin' hope you will enjoy, this is made by IDK, a great avgeek, that loves plane, and gives accurate quizzes, (not too accurate)

Thx for choosin' hope you'll enjoy this quiz and uhh... I think that it will be okay for you since uhh (gotta type a lot to reach 150 characters and- oh it's done heheh)

Created by: IDK
  1. Do you like loud engines?
  2. Do you like roaring, high pitched, deep sounded, or silent engines?
  3. Do you like high pitched loud engines?
  4. Do you like good sounds even behind the engine's turbine?
  5. Do you like big or small engines?
  6. Do you like going in far destinations?
  7. Do you like having an iconic sound on spool up?
  8. Are you a plane spotter?
  9. If you lived close to an airport's busiest runway, would you like it?
  10. Do you like fuel efficient engines?

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