Long haul planes choice

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This quiz is about which plane are you most likely to take on a flight, long and short, wide or small cabins. This is very easy and no consequences about anything

If you got a plane, it doesn't mean that you are ofrced to like it. You can like a B787, even if you chose an A330. It's not forced to like. ENJOY the quiz

Created by: IDK
  1. Do you like old planes?
  2. Do you like very long comfortable flights?
  3. Are you scared of crashing?
  4. Do you like silent engines on takeoff?
  5. Do you like hearing the engine power on takeoff
  6. Do you like wide cabins
  7. Do you like Boeing Or Airbus
  8. Do you like long or short haul flights
  9. Do hard landings bother you?
  10. Do you like good first class

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