Which pipou are you?

Here is a quiz I made. It's on my original characters, les pipous. It's mostly bullcrap. Tell me who you got after taking the test! I'd be happy to know

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Created by: elo
  1. You pull up at Macdonalds. What do you do?
  2. Have you done an illegal thing in your life?
  3. You have an issue with someone. What do you do?
  4. What's your color?
  5. What's your type of music?
  6. Pineapple on pizza.
  7. Do you believe in ghosts?
  8. You're packing your bags to go live in the woods. What do you take with you?
  9. How often do you swear?
  10. What landscape do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Which pipou am I?
