Which Pilario are you?

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This quiz will let you know which member of the Pilario family you are most like. This quiz is probably the most accurate Pilario quiz around so it will definitely do you well.

The Pilario family has been around for about 45,000 years so this quiz will definitely be benneficial. Also if you are one of my friends taking this, f--- you.

Created by: SirFijoe
  1. What do you do after school?
  2. What is your favorite movie?
  3. What do you fear most?
  4. Whats your favorite drink?
  5. Whats your favorite video game?
  6. If you had to kill yourself, how would you do it?
  7. What is your weapon of choice?
  8. What type of hat do you wear?
  9. Who is your arch enemy?
  10. What is your favorite type of music?

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Quiz topic: Which Pilario am I?
