Which Btr member are you?

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Ever wonder which Btr (Big time rush)member you are most like? There is the Pretty one, the smart one, the leader and the goofy/fun one. Which makes up the Btr band!

Most quizzes are not accurate. This one workes for both genders and is super accurate:) Once you take this quiz you will know if your the pretty one, the smart one, the leader or the goofy fun one!

Created by: AnaRocks
  1. If you were stuck on a dessert island what would you have to bring?
  2. What would you wear on your date to the prom?
  3. You and your friends get stuck in an elevator. What do you do?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. On a Weekend, what do you usally do?
  6. What is your favorite movie?
  7. What is your favorite BTR song?
  8. What do you want to be?
  9. If you could describe yourself in one word it would be...
  10. You would rather live in a....

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Quiz topic: Which Btr member am I?