Which Piggy Character Are You?

This quiz will tell who is your piggy character. However if you have any problem you can ask. Also write in the comments which character do you get. Have a great day guys, bye!

This will tell who is your piggy. However if you have any problem you can ask and My name is Summer, So guys bye for now, I love you all, bye my sparkles.

Created by: Summer
  1. Are you friendly?
  2. What food is your fav?
  3. Are you kind or mean?
  4. And you triky or honest?
  5. Do you lie?
  6. What would you wear?
  7. Almost to the end, are you enjoying?
  8. Which animal would you like to be?
  9. Do you like sports?
  10. Last one! Are you enjoying?

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Quiz topic: Which Piggy Character am I?
