Which pastry are you

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Ever wondered which pastry you are ? well you are about to find out in this true quiz that was well-reserched! this quiz has 10 questions that will combine to make the end result!

your end result will either be choux pastry,this french one is hard to make.Or it will be brick pronounced breek,or puff,the laminated one,or filo,the fragile one or last but not least,hot water crust,the one used in pies!let's go!

Created by: RRR
  1. choose one.
  2. a color?
  3. a texture?
  4. an animal?
  5. which one is most likable?
  6. are you
  7. gender?
  8. a flavor
  9. a number?
  10. and,finnaly,choose

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Quiz topic: Which pastry am I
