What Element Is Right For You ?

Hello! This is my short element personality quiz. Are you cool like water, or maybe a fiery hothead? Could you be a calm, nature lover, or fast like the wind. It's all up to you to find out as you take the "What element suits you best?" quiz.

This test will determine what element you are, personality, what power comes with it and what sort of pet is right for you. Hint: dragon's are usually ____breathers. Fish live in _____.(It's fun to answer the questions truthfully, than to try to get what you expect)

Created by: Vee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi there!
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Do you have any friends?
  4. Do you get in trouble often?
  5. What time is it?
  6. What's a good way for you to kill time?
  7. Favorite sport?
  8. Favorite video game genre(action, adventure, sport, etc.)
  9. Are you hungry, how about a snack?
  10. Where would you prefer to live?
  11. Final question: Do you have a fear of anything?

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