Which Pantalan Dragon hybrid are you!

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This is an easy quiz that will be fun, interesting, and a good use of your time. If you enjoy this quiz I suggest you try my other quizzes. Please enjoy this quiz!

Do you wonder what pantalan hybrid you are most like? This quiz took me at least three months to make fun interesting and enjoyable, if you don't think it is, please post a comment. Bye!

Created by: Wolf lady
  1. Which horns?
  2. would you rather?
  3. Letters?
  4. Numbers?
  5. Which one?
  6. Are you?
  7. Are you good at?
  8. Are you more?
  9. What is your favorite color?
  10. If you were captured how would you act?

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Quiz topic: Which Pantalan Dragon hybrid am I!

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