Which pantala Dragon are you

Can you help me with a fire do you want to figure out which Dragon you are well this isn't about the seven dragons this is only about the three silk Wings Leaf Wings High wings which one are you start the quiz to find out

I made this based on your personality so please don't get mad if you didn't get the dragon you wanted Hope you like it enjoy please oh yeah and tell your friends too

Created by: Green wing
  1. How would your friends describe you
  2. Which dragon do you want to be
  3. Which one would you pick
  4. Are you vegetarian
  5. In a fight what would you do?
  6. If you had to choose three of these which one would you pick
  7. Would you do if your friend was being bullied
  8. Pick a color
  9. Which Queen would you pick
  10. Which one's more cuter

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Quiz topic: Which pantala Dragon am I
